About Page

About How We Inside

How We Inside started because my car got repossessed for the second time within a year. I freaked out because my main sources of income, Uber Eats and Amazon Flex, was now gone.  I also was making money to buy journals for my original business, You’re Yours

While job searching and take a Project Management course, I had to think of another way to make money online. So I researched how to make money online on Google and YouTube. So I came across home decor being a great market that sells well. 

I love home decor. Currently,  I’m homeless, so I miss having my own space to decorate. Why not try this out?

While I was building this website I figured that I could buy homes, one day, decorate them and rent them out to women like myself right now… a mother who is homeless and wants to escape domestic violence.

Hi, my name is LaVonne and this is how I started How We Inside.

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